Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a process improvement approach that provides organizations with the essential elements of effective processes. CMMI is a process improvement model that helps the organizations to follow the best practices and provides guidance for developing or improving processes that meet the organization and customer expectations. With CMMI adoption and adoption, we can smoothly integrate the various functions of the organization and link the quantifiable business goals to improve the operational processes at project or business unit or entire organizational level.

An appraisal is an activity that helps to identify strengths and weaknesses of organization’s processes and to analyze how closely the processes relate to CMMI best practices. CMMI appraisals drive for better decisions making, process and project management based on the quantitative understanding of the process performance.

We work with our customers closely to provide end-to-end CMMI Consulting services in India and across the globe.

Our Value Propositions


CMMI Project Kick-off

Overview on CMMI Model

QMS Gap analysis

QMS Compliance Review

Process Compliance Audit

PIID workshop and review

Introduction to CMMI Training

ATM Training and Readiness Check

SCAMPI A Appraisal


ITPACTS Consultant and Client Manager will initiate the project with the client by presenting the CMMI Implementation Radmap and provide guidelines about requirements of various imlementation teams such as SEPG, SQA, PAT etc.

Build an understanding of evolution of CMMI® practices at various levels, benefits of CMMI® based software process improvements and detail about appraisal Methodology. This will provide In-depth understanding of model for implementation to entire participants.

Assessment of Organisation’s documented Quality Management System or AS-IS processses with reference to CMMI® framework.

Review Process definition and documentation with reference to CMMI framework for its compliance till targeted maturity or capability level.

Provide hand holding and guidance. Review the processes at regular intervals. Plan and conduct Process Audits for selected sample projects.

Conduct PIID work shop to address aspects such as what is PIID? why it is required?How to prepare it? How to use during appraisal for document review? Review of sample project PIID.

Provide CMMI Institute Authorized 3 days Training for identified participants, who are potential ATMs.

Provide ATM training to identified appraisal team members. Assess the Organization / Project preparedness for SCAMPISM.

Conduct SCAMPI Class A appraisal.